Enumeration | Description |
CellAlertType | - |
FormatPainterStatus | - |
JumpOver | - |
SheetMenuPosition | - |
SheetsUIPart | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
Class | Description |
AutoFillController | - |
AutoFillService | - |
AutoHeightController | - |
AutoWidthController | - |
BaseSelectionRenderService | The basic implementation of selection rendering logics. It is designed to be reused for different purposes. |
CellAlertManagerService | - |
CellCustomRenderController | Every render module should implement this interface. |
CellEditorManagerService | - |
DragManagerService | - |
DragRenderController | Every render module should implement this interface. |
EditingRenderController | Every render module should implement this interface. |
EditorBridgeService | - |
FormulaEditorController | - |
HeaderFreezeRenderController | Every render module should implement this interface. |
HeaderMoveRenderController | Every render module should implement this interface. |
HeaderResizeRenderController | Every render module should implement this interface. |
HoverManagerService | - |
HoverRenderController | Every render module should implement this interface. |
MarkSelectionService | For copy and cut selection. also for selection when hover on conditional format items in the cf panel on the right. NOT FOR hovering on panel in data validation. |
SelectionControl | The main selection canvas component, includes leftControl,rightControl,topControl,bottomControl,backgroundControlTop,backgroundControlMiddleLeft,backgroundControlMiddleRight,backgroundControlBottom,fillControl |
SelectionShapeExtension | for auto-fill (crosshair expand selection range) drag selection range |
SheetCanvasPopManagerService | - |
SheetCellEditorResizeService | Every render module should implement this interface. |
SheetClipboardService | - |
SheetPermissionCheckUIController | - |
SheetPermissionUserManagerService | - |
SheetPrintInterceptorService | - |
SheetRenderController | Every render module should implement this interface. |
SheetScrollManagerService | This service manages and sets the virtual scrolling of the canvas content area. It triggers service changes through SetScrollOperation. |
SheetSelectionRenderService | This services controls rendering of normal selections in a render unit. The normal selections would also be used by Auto Fill and Copy features. |
SheetSkeletonManagerService | This service manages the drawing of the sheet’s viewModel (skeleton). |
SheetsRenderService | This controller is responsible for managing units of a specific kind (UnierSheet) to be rendered on the canvas. |
SheetsScrollRenderController | This controller handles scroll logic in sheet interaction. |
SheetUIController | - |
StatusBarController | - |
UniverSheetsUIPlugin | Plug-in base class, all plug-ins must inherit from this base class. Provide basic methods. |
Type Aliases
Type alias | Description |
ICellDataWithSpanInfo | - |
ICopyDataInTypeIndexInfo | - |
IPasteHookValueType | - |
IRangeProtectionRenderCellData | - |
Renames and re-exports SelectionControl