@univerjs-pro/engine-pivot v0.5.4

Enumeration: PivotSubtotalTypeEnum

Defined in: types/enum.ts:6

Enum for pivot table subtotal types.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescriptionDefined in
average1- the average of the valuestypes/enum.ts:10
count2- the count of the valuestypes/enum.ts:14
countNums3- the count of the numbers in the valuestypes/enum.ts:18
max4- the maximum value in the valuestypes/enum.ts:22
min5- the minimum value in the valuestypes/enum.ts:26
product6- the product of the valuestypes/enum.ts:30
stdDev7- the standard deviation of the valuestypes/enum.ts:34
stdDevp8- the population standard deviation of the valuestypes/enum.ts:38
sum9- the sum of the valuestypes/enum.ts:42
var10- the variance of the valuestypes/enum.ts:46
varp11- the population variance of the valuestypes/enum.ts:50