@univerjs/core v0.5.4
Renames and re-exports JSONOp
Renames and re-exports Path
Function | Description |
merge | Recursively merges own and inherited enumerable properties of source objects into the destination object, skipping source properties that resolve to undefined . Array and plain object properties are merged recursively. Other objects and value types are overridden by assignment. Source objects are applied from left to right. Subsequent sources overwrite property assignments of previous sources. |
mergeWith | This method is like _.merge except that it accepts customizer which is invoked to produce the merged values of the destination and source properties. If customizer returns undefined merging is handled by the method instead. The customizer is invoked with seven arguments: (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source, stack). |
Name | Description |
JSON1 | - |
textDiff | - |
AbsoluteRefType | none: A1 row: A$1 column: $A1 all: $A$1 |
AlignTypeH | - |
AlignTypeV | - |
ArrangeTypeEnum | The layer type of Drawing, used to distinguish between forward, backward, front, and back |
ArrowsAndMarkersShapes | - |
AutoFillSeries | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
BaselineOffset | - |
BasicShapes | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
BlockType | Type of block |
BooleanNumber | General Boolean Enum |
BorderStyleTypes | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
BorderType | - |
BulletAlignment | The types of alignment for a bullet. |
CellModeEnum | - |
CellValueType | General Boolean Enum |
characterSpacingControlType | - |
ColorType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
ColumnSeparatorType | The style of column separators between columns. |
CommandType | The type of a command. |
CommonHideTypes | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
CopyPasteType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
CustomDecorationType | - |
CustomRangeType | - |
DashStyleType | The kinds of dashes with which linear geometry can be rendered. |
DataStreamTreeNodeType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DataStreamTreeTokenType | - |
DataValidationErrorStyle | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DataValidationImeMode | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DataValidationOperator | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DataValidationRenderMode | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DataValidationStatus | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DataValidationType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DeleteDirection | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DeveloperMetadataVisibility | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
Dimension | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
Direction | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DocStyleType | - |
DocumentFlavor | - |
DrawingTypeEnum | Types of drawings, used to distinguish between images, shapes, charts, tables, SmartArt, videos, DrawingGroup, Unit, Dom, etc. |
EXTENSION_NAMES | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FollowNumberWithType | Follow the space after the list |
FontItalic | FontItalic |
FontStyleType | Types of font style |
FontWeight | FontWeight |
GridType | - |
HorizontalAlign | An enum that specifies the horizontal alignment of text. |
ImageSourceType | The type of image data source |
ImageUploadStatusType | - |
InterceptorEffectEnum | - |
InterpolationPointType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
LifecycleStages | This enum defines multiple lifecycle stages in Univer SDK. |
ListGlyphType | An enumeration of the supported glyph types. |
LocaleType | Built-in locales. |
LogLevel | - |
LookUp | - |
MentionType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
NamedStyleType | Types of name style |
NumberUnitType | - |
ObjectRelativeFromH | - |
ObjectRelativeFromV | - |
OtherShapes | - |
PageElementType | - |
PageOrientType | Paper orientation, whether it’s portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) |
PageType | - |
ParagraphElementType | - |
PermissionStatus | - |
PositionedObjectLayoutType | The possible layouts of a [PositionedObject] |
PresetListType | - |
ProtectionType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
Quantity | - |
QuickListType | - |
RelativeDate | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
RelativeSlideLink | - |
SectionType | Represents how the start of the current section is positioned relative to the previous section. |
SheetTypes | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
SliceBodyType | - |
SpacingRule | - |
SpecialShapes | - |
TableAlignmentType | - |
TableLayoutType | - |
TableRowHeightRule | - |
TableSizeType | - |
TableTextWrapType | - |
TabStopAlignment | The alignment of the tab stop. |
TextDecoration | Types of text decoration |
TextDirection | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
TextDirectionType | Direction of text |
TextXActionType | - |
ThemeColors | - |
ThemeColorType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
UniverInstanceType | - |
UpdateDocsAttributeType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
VerticalAlign | An enum that specifies the vertical alignment of text. |
VerticalAlignmentType | The content alignments for a Shape or TableCell. The supported alignments correspond to predefined text anchoring types from the ECMA-376 standard. |
WrapStrategy | An enumeration of the strategies used to handle cell text wrapping. |
WrapTextType | Types of wrap text |
ActionIterator | - |
AsyncInterceptorManager | - |
AuthzIoLocalService | Do not use the mock implementation in a production environment as it is a minimal version. |
BuildTextUtils | - |
CanceledError | - |
Color | - |
ColorBuilder | - |
ColorKit | - |
CommandService | The service to register and execute commands. |
ConfigService | - |
ContextService | - |
CustomCommandExecutionError | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DesktopLogService | - |
Disposable | - |
DisposableCollection | - |
DocumentDataModel | - |
ErrorService | - |
EventState | A class serves as a medium between the observable and its observers |
EventSubject | This is a custom implementation of RxJS subject. It handles events on canvas elements. In addition to the event, it also emits a state object that can be used to controls the propagation of the event. |
FBase | FBase is a base class for all facade classes. It provides a way to extend classes with static and instance methods. The _initialize as a special method that will be called after the constructor. You should never call it directly. |
FBaseInitialable | - |
FBlob | FBase is a base class for all facade classes. It provides a way to extend classes with static and instance methods. The _initialize as a special method that will be called after the constructor. You should never call it directly. |
FEnum | - |
FEventName | - |
FHooks | FBase is a base class for all facade classes. It provides a way to extend classes with static and instance methods. The _initialize as a special method that will be called after the constructor. You should never call it directly. |
FUniver | - |
FUtil | - |
HLSColor | - |
ImageCacheMap | - |
Injector | - |
InterceptorManager | - |
JSONX | - |
LifecycleService | This service controls the lifecycle of a Univer instance. Other modules can inject this service to read the current lifecycle stage or subscribe to lifecycle changes. |
LocaleService | This service provides i18n and timezone / location features to other modules. |
LocalUndoRedoService | This UndoRedoService is local. |
LRUHelper | - |
LRUMap | - |
MemoryCursor | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
MentionIOLocalService | - |
ObjectMatrix | A two-dimensional array represented by a two-level deep object and provides an array-like API |
ParagraphStyleBuilder | Paragraph style builder |
ParagraphStyleValue | - |
PermissionService | - |
Plugin | Plug-in base class, all plug-ins must inherit from this base class. Provide basic methods. |
PluginService | This service manages plugin registration. |
Range | Access and modify spreadsheet ranges. |
RBush | - |
RCDisposable | - |
Rectangle | This class provides a set of methods to calculate and manipulate rectangular ranges (IRange). A range represents a rectangular area in a grid, defined by start/end rows and columns. |
RediError | - |
RefAlias | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
Registry | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
RegistryAsMap | Add extension modules statically when the plugin is initialized, so that the plugin can register these extension modules uniformly |
ResourceManagerService | - |
RgbColor | - |
RichTextBuilder | Represents a rich text builder |
RichTextValue | Represents a rich text value |
RTree | - |
RxDisposable | - |
SheetViewModel | - |
SlideDataModel | The base class for all units. |
Styles | Styles in a workbook, cells locate styles based on style IDs |
TextDecorationBuilder | Builder class for creating and modifying text decorations. Provides a fluent interface for setting text decoration properties. |
TextStyleBuilder | Builder class for creating and modifying font styles. Extends TextStyleValue to provide setter methods for all style properties. |
TextStyleValue | Represents a read-only font style value object. This class provides access to font style properties without modification capabilities. |
TextX | - |
ThemeColor | - |
ThemeService | - |
Tools | Universal tool library |
UnitModel | The base class for all units. |
Univer | - |
UniverInstanceService | IUniverInstanceService holds all the current univer instances and provides a set of methods to add and remove univer instances. |
UserManagerService | - |
Workbook | Access and create Univer Sheets files |
Worksheet | The model of a Worksheet. |
AsyncDependencyItem | - |
AsyncHook | - |
BBox | - |
ClassDependencyItem | - |
Ctor | - |
FactoryDependencyItem | - |
IAbsoluteTransform | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
IAccessor | - |
IAddCustomRangeTextXParam | - |
IAsyncInterceptor | - |
IAuthzIoService | - |
IBorderData | Style properties of top, bottom, left and right border |
IBorderStyleData | Style properties of border |
IBullet | Properties of list |
ICellData | Cell data |
ICellDataForSheetInterceptor | Cell data |
ICellInfo | ICellInfo has the same properties as ISelectionCell, but the name ICellInfo might be more semantically appropriate in some contexts. |
ICellInterceptor | - |
ICellMarks | - |
ICellMarksStyle | - |
ICellRenderContext | - |
ICellWithCoord | SingleCell & coordinate and mergeRange. |
IChartProperties | ChartProperties |
IColAutoWidthInfo | - |
IColor | Format of RBGA color |
IColorStyle | RGB color or theme color |
IColumnData | Properties of column data |
IColumnRange | - |
ICommand | In Univer, all data modifications need to be executed through commands. The command-based approach can better track changes in values, implement functions such as undo, redo, and collaborative editing, handle complex associated logic between functions, etc. |
ICommandInfo | This object represents an execution of a command. |
ICommandService | The service to register and execute commands. |
IConfigService | - |
IContextService | - |
ICopyToOptionsData | Option of copyTo function |
ICropProperties | Properties of crop image |
ICustomBlock | Custom Block |
ICustomDecoration | - |
ICustomDecorationForInterceptor | - |
ICustomRange | Block element, link like, disabled to self nested |
ICustomRangeForInterceptor | Block element, link like, disabled to self nested |
ICustomTable | - |
IDataValidationRule | - |
IDataValidationRuleBase | - |
IDataValidationRuleInfo | - |
IDataValidationRuleOptions | - |
IDeleteAction | Delete mutation is used to delete text at the given position. |
IDeleteCustomRangeParam | - |
IdentifierDecorator | - |
IDisposable | - |
IDistFromText | - |
IDocDrawingBase | Properties of Drawing inline (Inline DrawingML Object) wrapNone (No Text Wrapping) wrapPolygon (Wrapping Polygon) wrapSquare (Square Wrapping) wrapThrough (Through Wrapping) wrapTight (Tight Wrapping) wrapTopAndBottom (Top and Bottom Wrapping) |
IDocDrawingPosition | Properties of a draw object |
IDocMention | - |
IDocsBorder | Properties of doc border |
IDocStyle | - |
IDocStyleBase | Basics properties of doc style |
IDocStyles | Set of IStyles |
IDocumentBody | Properties of document body Contain three update types: range overlay, range mutual exclusion, and placeholder \v COLUMN_BREAK \f PAGE_BREAK \0 DOCS_END \t TAB |
IDocumentData | Properties of document |
IDocumentLayout | - |
IDocumentRenderConfig | the alignment mode is returned with respect to the offset of the sheet cell, because the document needs to render the layout for cells and support alignment across multiple cells (e.g., horizontal alignment of long text in overflow mode). The alignment mode of the document itself cannot meet this requirement, so an additional renderConfig needs to be added during the rendering of the document component. This means that there are two coexisting alignment modes. In certain cases, such as in an editor, conflicts may arise, requiring only one alignment mode to be retained. By removing the relevant configurations in renderConfig, the alignment mode of the sheet cell can be modified. The alternative alignment mode is applied to paragraphs within the document. |
IDocumentSettings | - |
IDocumentStyle | Basics properties of doc style |
IDrawingParam | - |
IDrawings | Set of Drawings |
IDrawingSearch | - |
IDrawingSpace | - |
IError | - |
IEventBase | Base interface for all event parameters IEventBase |
IEventObserver | - |
IEventParamConfig | - |
IExecutionOptions | - |
IFBlobSource | - |
IFontRenderExtension | - |
IFooterData | Properties of doc footer |
IFooters | Set of footer |
IFreeze | - |
IGridRange | Range data of grid |
IHeaderAndFooterBase | - |
IHeaderData | Properties of doc header |
IHeaders | Set of headers |
IHyperlink | - |
IImage | - |
IImageIoService | - |
IImageIoServiceParam | - |
IImageProperties | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
IIndentStart | - |
IInsertAction | Insert mutation is used to insert text (maybe with rich text properties) at the given position. |
IInterceptor | - |
ILanguagePack | - |
IListData | The properties of a list which describe the look and feel of bullets belonging to paragraphs associated with a list. |
IListMentionParam | - |
IListMentionResponse | - |
ILists | Set of lists |
ILocales | - |
ILocalStorageService | - |
ILogService | - |
IMargin | - |
IMention | - |
IMentionIOService | - |
IMultiCommand | A command that may have multiple implementations. Each implementation should have different priority and preconditions callback to determine which implementation should be executed. |
IMutation | CommandType.MUTATION should implement this interface. |
IMutationCommonParams | - |
IMutationInfo | This object represents an execution of a CommandType.MUTATION |
INeedCheckDisposable | - |
INestingLevel | Contains properties describing the look and feel of a list bullet at a given level of nesting. |
INumberUnit | - |
IObjectArrayPrimitiveType | - |
IObjectMatrixPrimitiveType | Object Matrix Primitive Type |
IObjectPositionH | - |
IObjectPositionV | - |
IOffset | - |
IOperation | CommandType.OPERATION should implement this interface. |
IOperationInfo | This object represents an execution of a CommandType.OPERATION |
IOptionData | Whether to clear only the contents. Whether to clear only the format; note that clearing format also clears data validation rules. |
IOutline | - |
IPaddingData | Top,right,bottom,left padding |
IPageElement | - |
IParagraph | - |
IParagraphBorder | Properties of paragraph border |
IParagraphProperties | - |
IParagraphRange | - |
IParagraphStyle | Properties of paragraph style |
IPermissionParam | - |
IPermissionPoint | - |
IPermissionService | - |
IPermissionTypes | - |
IPlaceholder | - |
IPosition | Properties of selection data |
IRange | Range data structure |
IRangeArrayData | One of the range types, |
IRangeCellData | The row and column numbers represent a cell |
IRangeWithCoord | Properties of selection data |
IRectLTRB | - |
IRectXYWH | - |
IReferenceSource | - |
IReplaceSelectionTextXParams | - |
IResourceHook | - |
IResourceLoaderService | - |
IResourceManagerService | - |
IRetainAction | Retain mutation is used to move the cursor or to update properties of the text in the given range. |
IRgbColor | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
IRotationSkewFlipTransform | - |
IRowAutoHeightInfo | - |
IRowColIter | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
IRowData | Properties of row data |
IRowRange | - |
IRTreeItem | Range data of Unit |
IScale | - |
ISectionBreak | Properties of section break |
ISectionBreakBase | - |
ISectionColumnProperties | Properties of section column |
ISelection | - |
ISelectionCell | Range & SingleCell & isMerged. startRow: number; startColumn: number; endRow: number; endColumn: number; |
- | |
ISequenceExecuteResult | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
IShading | Properties of shading |
IShape | IShape |
IShapeProperties | ShapeProperties |
ISheetDataValidationRule | - |
ISingleCell | - |
ISize | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
ISlideData | - |
ISlidePage | - |
ISlideRichTextProps | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
ISrcRect | - |
IStyleBase | Basics properties of cell style |
IStyleData | Properties of cell style |
IStyleSheet | - |
ITable | Properties of table |
ITableAnchor | - |
ITableCell | Properties of table cell |
ITableCellBorder | Properties of cell border |
ITableCellMargin | - |
ITableColumn | - |
ITableOfContent | - |
ITableRow | Properties of row of table |
ITableRowSize | - |
ITables | - |
ITabStop | A tab stop within a paragraph. |
ITextDecoration | Properties of text decoration |
ITextRange | - |
ITextRangeParam | - |
ITextRangeStart | - |
ITextRotation | - |
ITextRun | A ParagraphElement that represents a run of text that all has the same styling. |
ITextStyle | Properties of text style |
ITransformState | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
ITypeMentionList | - |
IUndoRedoCommandInfos | - |
IUndoRedoCommandInfosByInterceptor | - |
IUndoRedoItem | - |
IUndoRedoService | - |
IUndoRedoStatus | - |
IUnitRange | Range data of Unit |
IUnitRangeName | - |
IUnitRangeWithName | Range data of Unit |
IUniverConfig | - |
IUniverInstanceService | IUniverInstanceService holds all the current univer instances and provides a set of methods to add and remove univer instances. |
IUser | - |
IWidthInTableSize | - |
IWorkbookData | Snapshot of a workbook. |
IWorksheetData | Snapshot of a worksheet. |
ValueDependencyItem | - |
CellValue | Cell value type |
CommandListener | - |
CustomData | - |
DeepReadonly | - |
Dependency | - |
DependencyIdentifier | - |
DependencyItem | - |
DependencyOverride | Overrides the dependencies defined in the plugin. Only dependencies that are identified by IdentifierDecorator can be overridden. If you override a dependency with null , the original dependency will be removed. |
DependencyPair | - |
DrawingType | - |
ICellDataWithSpanAndDisplay | - |
IColumnStartEndData | Column data type |
IComposeInterceptors | - |
IHyperLinkCustomRange | - |
IMentionCustomRange | - |
InterceptorHandler | - |
INumfmtLocalTag | - |
IRangeStringData | One of the range types, |
IRangeType | range types |
IResources | - |
IRowStartEndData | Row data type |
LanguageValue | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
Nullable | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
PluginCtor | - |
PresetGeometryType | - |
RangePermissionPointConstructor | - |
Serializable | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
ShapeType | prstGeom (Preset geometry) |
SyncDependencyItem | - |
TextXAction | - |
TPriority | - |
UnitType | - |
WorkbookPermissionPointConstructor | - |
WorkSheetPermissionPointConstructor | - |
COLORS | - |
DEFAULT_CELL | Used as an init cell return value |
DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_SUB_COMPONENT_ID | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
DEFAULT_RANGE | Used as an illegal range return value |
DEFAULT_RANGE_ARRAY | Used as an illegal range array return value |
DEFAULT_SELECTION | Used as an init selection return value |
DEFAULT_STYLES | Default styles. |
FOCUSING_COMMON_DRAWINGS | The focusing state of the common drawings. |
- | |
FOCUSING_FX_BAR_EDITOR | The focusing state of the formula editor (Fx bar). |
FOCUSING_PANEL_EDITOR | The focusing state of the editor in side panel, such as Chart Editor Panel. |
FOCUSING_UNIT | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FOCUSING_UNIVER_EDITOR | The focusing state of the cell editor. |
Inject | - |
Many | - |
NilCommand | - |
Optional | - |
QuickListTypeMap | - |
RediContext | - |
RedoCommand | - |
RedoCommandId | - |
Self | when resolving this dependency, only search the current injector |
skipParseTagNames | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
SkipSelf | when resolving this dependency, skip the current injector |
UndoCommand | - |
UndoCommandId | - |
WithNew | Always initialize a new instance of that dependency instead of getting the cached instance from the injector. |
ABCToNumber | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
addLinkToDocumentModel | - |
afterInitApply | - |
afterTime | - |
awaitTime | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
binarySearchArray | Return the index of the first value in an ascending array that is greater than the target value. If there is no value greater than the target, return last index. |
binSearchFirstGreaterThanTarget | Return the index of the last index in an ascending array which value is just greater than the target. If there is no value greater than the target, return arr.length - 1. |
bufferDebounceTime | - |
cellToRange | Covert row/column to range object |
checkForSubstrings | - |
checkIfMove | - |
checkParagraphHasBullet | - |
checkParagraphHasIndent | - |
checkParagraphHasIndentByStyle | - |
codeToBlob | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
composeBody | - |
composeInterceptors | A helper to compose a certain type of interceptors. |
composeStyles | compose styles by priority, the latter will overwrite the former |
concatMatrixArray | - |
connectDependencies | - |
connectInjector | - |
convertBodyToHtml | - |
convertCellToRange | Data type convert, convert ICellWithCoord to IRangeWithCoord |
covertTextRunToHtml | - |
createAsyncInterceptorKey | - |
createDefaultUser | - |
createDocumentModelWithStyle | - |
createIdentifier | Create a dependency identifier |
createInterceptorKey | - |
createInternalEditorID | - |
createRowColIter | - |
dayjs | - |
debounce | Creates a debounced function that delays invoking func until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was invoked. The debounced function comes with a cancel method to cancel delayed invocations and a flush method to immediately invoke them. Provide an options object to indicate that func should be invoked on the leading and/or trailing edge of the wait timeout. Subsequent calls to the debounced function return the result of the last func invocation. |
dedupe | Deduplicate an array. |
deepCompare | - |
delayAnimationFrame | - |
deleteContent | - |
DependentOn | Use this decorator to declare dependencies among plugins. If a dependent plugin is not registered yet, Univer will automatically register it with no configuration. |
extractPureTextFromCell | Get pure text in a cell. |
forwardRef | - |
fromCallback | Creates an observable from a callback function. |
fromEventSubject | - |
- | |
generateRandomId | - |
get | Gets the property value at path of object. If the resolved value is undefined the defaultValue is used in its place. |
getArrayLength | - |
getBodySlice | - |
getBodySliceHtml | - |
getBorderStyleType | - |
Determines whether the cell(row, column) is within the range of the merged cells. | |
getCellValueType | - |
getColorStyle | - |
getCustomBlockSlice | - |
getCustomDecorationSlice | - |
getCustomRangeSlice | - |
getDocsUpdateBody | - |
getIntersectRange | Computes the intersection of two ranges. If there is an overlap between the two ranges, returns a new range representing the intersection. If there is no overlap, returns null. |
getOriginCellValue | - |
getParagraphsSlice | - |
getReverseDirection | - |
getSectionBreakSlice | - |
getTableSlice | - |
getTextRunSlice | - |
getWorksheetUID | - |
groupBy | - |
handleStyleToString | transform style object to string |
hashAlgorithm | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
horizontalLineSegmentsSubtraction | - |
IAuthzIoService | - |
ICommandService | The identifier of the command service. |
IConfigService | IConfig provides universal configuration for the whole application. |
IContextService | - |
IImageIoService | - |
ILocalStorageService | - |
ILogService | - |
IMentionIOService | - |
insertMatrixArray | - |
insertTextToContent | - |
IPermissionService | - |
IResourceLoaderService | - |
IResourceManagerService | - |
isAsyncDependencyItem | - |
isAsyncHook | - |
isBlackColor | - |
isBooleanString | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
isCellCoverable | - |
isCellV | - |
isClassDependencyItem | - |
isCtor | - |
isDisposable | - |
isEmptyCell | - |
isFactoryDependencyItem | - |
isFormulaId | any string |
isFormulaString | A string starting with an equal sign is a formula |
isICellData | - |
isInternalEditorID | - |
isNodeEnv | - |
isNotNullOrUndefined | - |
isNullCell | - |
isNumeric | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
isRangesEqual | - |
isRealNum | - |
isSafeNumeric | - |
isSameStyleTextRun | - |
isUnitRangesEqual | - |
isValidRange | - |
isValueDependencyItem | - |
isWhiteColor | - |
IUndoRedoService | - |
IUniverInstanceService | - |
makeArray | - |
makeCellRangeToRangeData | - |
- | |
makeCustomRangeStream | Wrap your stream in a pair of custom range tokens. |
mergeOverrideWithDependencies | - |
mergeSets | Merge the second set to the first set. |
mergeWorksheetSnapshotWithDefault | This function is used to merge the user passed in snapshot with the default snapshot without changing the user’s snapshot’s reference. |
mixinClass | Mixin some methods to targetObject as prototype, the static methods will not be mixed in |
moveMatrixArray | - |
moveRangeByOffset | - |
nameCharacterCheck | The name you entered for the worksheet or chart is invalid. Please ensure: |
normalizeBody | - |
normalizeTextRuns | - |
numberToABC | column subscript number to letters |
numberToListABC | Column subscript numbers are converted to list-style letters, for example, after 25, it means AA BB CC, not AA AB AC |
numfmt | - |
- | |
RediConsumer | - |
RediProvider | - |
registerDependencies | Register the dependencies to the injector. |
remove | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
repeatStringNumTimes | Repeats the given string (first argument) num times (second argument). If num is not positive, an empty string is returned. |
replaceInDocumentBody | - |
requestImmediateMacroTask | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
rotate | Rotate an array without mutating the original array. |
searchArray | Find value in the data that is just greater than the target; if there are equal values greater than the target, select the last one. If firstMatch is true, then return the index of the first number greater than the target. see #univer/pull/3903 |
searchInOrderedArray | Return the index of the first value in an ascending array that is greater than the target value. If there is no value greater than the target, return -1. |
selectionToArray | Transform an IRange object to an array. |
sequence | Execute tasks in sequence, if one of the tasks return false, the sequence will be stopped. |
sequenceAsync | Execute promise tasks in sequence, if one of the tasks return false, the sequence will be stopped. |
sequenceExecute | - |
sequenceExecuteAsync | - |
set | Sets the value at path of object. If a portion of path doesn’t exist it’s created. Arrays are created for missing index properties while objects are created for all other missing properties. Use _.setWith to customize path creation. |
setDependencies | Register dependencies on a class. |
shallowEqual | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
sliceMatrixArray | - |
sortRules | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
sortRulesByDesc | - |
sortRulesFactory | - |
spliceArray | - |
splitIntoGrid | Split ranges into aligned smaller ranges |
takeAfter | An operator that would complete the stream once a condition is met. Consider it as a shortcut of takeUntil . |
textDiff | - |
throttle | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
toDisposable | - |
touchDependencies | Touch a group of dependencies to ensure they are instantiated. |
updateAttributeByDelete | - |
updateAttributeByInsert | - |
useDependency | - |
useDependencyContext | subscribe to an observable value from a service, creating a context for it so it child component won’t have to subscribe again and cause unnecessary |
useDependencyContextValue | - |
unwrap an observable value, return it to the component for rendering, and trigger re-render when value changes | |
useInjector | - |
useObservable | - |
useUpdateBinder | subscribe to a signal that emits whenever data updates and re-render |
WithDependency | - |
JSONXActions | - |
JSONXPath | - |