@univerjs/sheets-drawing-ui v0.5.1 • Docs
Interface: IFICanvasFloatDom
Property | Type | Description | Inherited from | Defined in |
allowTransform? | boolean | whether allow transform float-dom | Omit.allowTransform | sheets-drawing-ui/src/services/canvas-float-dom-manager.service.ts:39 |
componentKey | any | The key of the component to be rendered in the popup. if key is a string, it will be query from the component registry. if key is a React or Vue3 component, it will be rendered directly. | IFComponentKey .componentKey | sheets-ui/src/facade/f-range.ts:33 |
data? | Serializable | data of component, will save to snapshot, json-like data | Omit.data | sheets-drawing-ui/src/services/canvas-float-dom-manager.service.ts:60 |
initPosition | IPosition | initial position of float-dom | Omit.initPosition | sheets-drawing-ui/src/services/canvas-float-dom-manager.service.ts:43 |
isVue3? | boolean | If componentKey is a Vue3 component, this must be set to true | IFComponentKey .isVue3 | sheets-ui/src/facade/f-range.ts:37 |
props? | Record <string , any > | Deprecated Please use data . for saving to disk, everything add to float-dom must be serializable. | Omit.props | sheets-drawing-ui/src/services/canvas-float-dom-manager.service.ts:56 |
type? | DrawingTypeEnum | the float-dom type | Omit.type | sheets-drawing-ui/src/services/canvas-float-dom-manager.service.ts:64 |