
@univerjs-pro/collaboration v0.5.4

Enumeration: CollaborationEvent

Defined in: packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:24

Types of all possible collaboration events.

CollaborationEvents is a subset of CombEvent.RECV.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescriptionDefined in
CHANGESET_ACK"changeset_ack"The submitted changeset is acknowledged by the server.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:45
CHANGESET_REJ"changeset_rej"The submitted changeset could not be transformed by the server, so the changeset should be rejected.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:51
CHANGESET_SHOULD_RETRY"changeset_should_retry"The submitted changeset could not be acknowledged by unexpected server error, so the changeset should be resent.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:57
FETCH_MISSING"fetch_missing"When the collaboration session is created, the client may send this event to the server. In the payload, the client will tell the server the its local revision. The server could emit missing changesets to the client using event NEW_CHANGESETS.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:30
LIVESHARE_FETCH_OPERATIONS"liveshare.fetch_operations"Fetch all operations from the live share host. for some scenarios: 1. when a client comes into the live share room, it should fetch all 2. when a client miss some operations, it should fetch allpackages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:114
LIVESHARE_NEW_HOST"liveshare.new_host"New host is elected. Sent by the server.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:99
LIVESHARE_OPERATION"liveshare.operation"A operation sent from the live share host. Sent by the host client and broadcasted by the server. For each operation.id, the server should cache let latest value for followers who come into the live share room later.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:107
LIVESHARE_REQUEST_HOST"liveshare.request_host"This client requests itself to be the live share host. Sent by clients.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:94
LIVESHARE_TERMINATE"liveshare.terminate"Send by the presenter to terminate live share. Should be broadcasted to all followers.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:120
MSG_FOR_ERROR"error_msg"This type will be returned if an error is reported.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:125
NEW_CHANGESETS"new_changesets"When a changeset sent by the client is acknowledged by the server, the server should broadcast this changeset to other clients. Note that this event would not be sent via the websocket but http.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:65
SUBMIT_CHANGESET"submit_changeset"The client submit a changeset to the server.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:40
UNIT_DELETE"unit_delete"The collaboration unit is deleted on the server.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:89
UPDATE_CURSOR"update_cursor"When a client updates its cursor position, it would send this event to the server. The server would also broadcast this event to other peer clients.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:72
USERS_ENTER"users_enter"When a client connect the collaboration session, the server should broadcast this event to all other clients.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:78
USERS_LEAVE"users_leave"When a client disconnect the collaboration session, the server should broadcast this event to all other clients.packages/collaboration/src/models/collaboration-events.ts:84