@univerjs-pro/engine-pivot v0.5.4

Enumeration: PivotTableFiledAreaEnum

Defined in: types/enum.ts:174

Enum for pivot table field types.


those field types are used in the pivot table or pivot chart.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescriptionDefined in
Column1the label field position in the pivot table column areatypes/enum.ts:178
Filter4the filter field position in the pivot table, it called the page field in Exceltypes/enum.ts:190
Hidden5the hidden field, it is not shown in the pivot table, but when a slice is created, it will be relation to the slice.types/enum.ts:194
Row2the label field position in the pivot table row areatypes/enum.ts:182
Value3the value field position in the pivot tabletypes/enum.ts:186