@univerjs-pro/engine-pivot v0.5.4
Interface: IPivotTableQueryData
Defined in: types/interface.ts:138
Represents the data structure for a pivot table query.
Property | Type | Description | Defined in |
collapseInfo | Record <string , boolean | Record <string , boolean >> | The collapse state of the fields. | types/interface.ts:159 |
colQueryInfo | IPivotTableLabelFieldQueryData [] | The query info of column fields in the pivot table. | types/interface.ts:146 |
filterQueryInfo | IPivotTableLabelFieldQueryData [] | The query info of filter fields in the pivot table. | types/interface.ts:150 |
rowQueryInfo | IPivotTableLabelFieldQueryData [] | The query info of row fields in the pivot table. | types/interface.ts:142 |
valueQueryInfo | IPivotTableValueFieldQueryData [] | The query info of value fields in the pivot table. | types/interface.ts:154 |