@univerjs-proengine-pivotenumerationsSt Pivotfilteroperatorenum@univerjs-pro/engine-pivot v0.5.4 Enumeration: ST_PivotFilterOperatorEnum Defined in: types/enum.ts:283 Enum for IST_PivotFilter Operator Enumeration Members Enumeration MemberValueDescriptionDefined in captionBeginsWith1Filter by caption that begins with a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:288 captionBetween2Filter by caption that is between two valuestypes/enum.ts:294 captionContains3Filter by caption that contains a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:300 captionEndsWith4Filter by caption that ends with a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:306 captionEqual5Filter by caption that is equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:312 captionGreaterThan6Filter by caption that is greater than a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:318 captionGreaterThanOrEqual7Filter by caption that is greater than or equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:324 captionLessThan8Filter by caption that is less than a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:330 captionLessThanOrEqual9Filter by caption that is less than or equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:336 captionNotBeginsWith10Filter by caption that does not begin with a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:342 captionNotBetween11Filter by caption that is not between two valuestypes/enum.ts:348 captionNotContains12Filter by caption that does not contain a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:354 captionNotEndsWith13Filter by caption that does not end with a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:360 captionNotEqual14Filter by caption that is not equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:366 count15Filter by counttypes/enum.ts:372 dateBetween16Filter by date that is between two valuestypes/enum.ts:378 dateEqual17Filter by date that is equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:384 dateNewerThan18Filter by date that is newer than a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:390 dateNewerThanOrEqual19Filter by date that is newer than or equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:396 dateNotBetween20Filter by date that is not between two valuestypes/enum.ts:402 dateNotEqual21Filter by date that is not equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:408 dateOlderThan22Filter by date that is older than a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:414 dateOlderThanOrEqual23Filter by date that is older than or equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:420 lastMonth24Filter by last monthtypes/enum.ts:426 lastQuarter25Filter by last quartertypes/enum.ts:432 lastWeek26Filter by last weektypes/enum.ts:438 lastYear27Filter by last yeartypes/enum.ts:444 M128Filter by dates in Januarytypes/enum.ts:450 M1029Filter by dates in Octobertypes/enum.ts:456 M1130Filter by dates in Novembertypes/enum.ts:462 M1231Filter by dates in Decembertypes/enum.ts:468 M232Filter by dates in Februarytypes/enum.ts:474 M333Filter by dates in Marchtypes/enum.ts:480 M434Filter by dates in Apriltypes/enum.ts:486 M535Filter by dates in Maytypes/enum.ts:492 M636Filter by dates in Junetypes/enum.ts:498 M737Filter by dates in Julytypes/enum.ts:504 M838Filter by dates in Augusttypes/enum.ts:510 M939Filter by dates in Septembertypes/enum.ts:516 nextMonth40Filter by next monthtypes/enum.ts:522 nextQuarter41Filter by next quartertypes/enum.ts:528 nextWeek42Filter by next weektypes/enum.ts:534 nextYear43Filter by next yeartypes/enum.ts:540 percent44Filter by percenttypes/enum.ts:546 Q145Filter by first quartertypes/enum.ts:552 Q246Filter by second quartertypes/enum.ts:558 Q347Filter by third quartertypes/enum.ts:564 Q448Filter by fourth quartertypes/enum.ts:570 sum49Filter by sumtypes/enum.ts:576 thisMonth50Filter by this monthtypes/enum.ts:582 thisQuarter51Filter by this quartertypes/enum.ts:588 thisWeek52Filter by this weektypes/enum.ts:594 thisYear53Filter by this yeartypes/enum.ts:600 today54Filter by todaytypes/enum.ts:606 tomorrow55Filter by tomorrowtypes/enum.ts:612 unknown56Filter by unknowntypes/enum.ts:618 valueBetween57Filter by value that is between two valuestypes/enum.ts:624 valueEqual58Filter by value that is equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:630 valueGreaterThan59Filter by value that is greater than a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:636 valueGreaterThanOrEqual60Filter by value that is greater than or equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:642 valueLessThan61Filter by value that is less than a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:648 valueLessThanOrEqual62Filter by value that is less than or equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:654 valueNotBetween63Filter by value that is not between two valuestypes/enum.ts:660 valueNotEqual64Filter by value that is not equal to a specific valuetypes/enum.ts:666 yearToDate65Filter by year-to-datetypes/enum.ts:672 yesterday66Filter by yesterdaytypes/enum.ts:678PivotviewcellvaluetypeenumClonelabelfieldtovaluefield