@univerjs-pro/engine-pivot v0.5.4

Enumeration: PivotTableChangeTypeEnum

Defined in: types/json-types.ts:129

Represents the change type of the pivot table.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescriptionDefined in
AddField0Add field to the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:133
RemoveField2Remove field from the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:141
RenameField3Rename the field in the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:145
SetCollapse10Set collapse to the field in the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:173
SetFieldFormat9Set format to the field in the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:169
SetFilterInfo4Set filter information to the field in the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:149
SetOptions8Set options to the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:165
SetSortInfo5Set sort information to the field in the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:153
SetSubtotalType1Set subtotal to the field in the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:137
UpdateFieldPosition6Update field position in the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:157
UpdateSource11Update source of the field in the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:177
UpdateValuePosition7Set options to the pivot table.types/json-types.ts:161