@univerjs/engine-render v0.5.4
Enumeration | Description |
BreakType | - |
CanvasRenderMode | canvas render mode |
CURSOR_TYPE | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor |
DeviceInputEventType | Event Types |
DeviceType | Enum for Device Types |
DocumentEditArea | - |
DocumentSkeletonPageType | - |
GlyphType | - |
LineType | - |
ObjectType | - |
PageLayoutType | Determining the text layout, whether it’s vertical or horizontal, data storage is primarily horizontal, and vertical layout is supported through rendering and drawing. |
PointerInput | Enum for All Pointers (Touch/Mouse) |
ScrollTimerType | - |
SHAPE_TYPE | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
ShowGridlinesState | - |
SkeletonType | - |
Class | Description |
Background | - |
BaseObject | - |
Border | - |
Canvas | View Renderer constructor. It is a wrapper around native canvas element. Usually you don’t need to use it manually. |
CheckboxShape | - |
Circle | - |
ColumnHeaderLayout | Column Header Bar, include a lot of columns header |
ComponentExtension | - |
Control | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
Custom | - |
CustomObject | - |
DashedRect | - |
DataStreamTreeNode | - |
DocBackground | - |
Documents | - |
DocumentSkeleton | - |
DocumentViewModel | - |
Drawing | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
Engine | - |
EventConstants | Constants used for Events |
Font | - |
FontCache | - |
Group | - |
HitCanvas | View Renderer constructor. It is a wrapper around native canvas element. Usually you don’t need to use it manually. |
Image | - |
Layer | - |
Liquid | - |
Marker | - |
Path | - |
Path2 | - |
PerformanceMonitor | Performance monitor tracks rolling average frame-time and frame-time variance over a user defined sliding-window |
Rect | - |
RegularPolygon | - |
RenderComponent | - |
RenderManagerService | - |
RenderUnit | This class is necessary for Univer to render several units in the same webpage. It encapsulates the rendering context and rendering modules for a specific unit. |
RichText | - |
RollingAverage | RollingAverage |
RowHeaderLayout | - |
Scene | - |
SceneCanvas | View Renderer constructor. It is a wrapper around native canvas element. Usually you don’t need to use it manually. |
SceneViewer | - |
ScrollBar | - |
ScrollTimer | - |
Shape | - |
SheetComponent | - |
SheetExtension | - |
Skeleton | - |
Slide | - |
Spreadsheet | - |
SpreadsheetColumnHeader | - |
SpreadsheetHeader | - |
SpreadsheetRowHeader | - |
SpreadsheetSkeleton | - |
ThinEngine | - |
Transform | - |
UniverPrintingContext | - |
UniverRenderConfigService | This service carries managers render config that would be passed to every widget, so some rendering could be optimized. |
UniverRenderEnginePlugin | Plug-in base class, all plug-ins must inherit from this base class. Provide basic methods. |
UniverRenderingContext | - |
UniverRenderingContext2D | - |
Vector2 | - |
Viewport | - |
Type Aliases
Type alias | Description |
DataArray | Alias for types that can be used by a Buffer or VertexBuffer. |
DeepImmutable | Type modifier to make all the properties of an object Readonly recursively |
DeepImmutableObject | Type modifier to make object properties readonly. |
double | Alias type for number that are doubles. |
float | Alias type for number that are floats |
FloatArray | Alias type for number array or Float32Array |
IAColumnCfg | - |
IAColumnCfgObj | - |
IARowCfg | - |
IARowCfgObj | - |
Immutable | Type modifier to make all the properties of an object Readonly |
IndicesArray | Alias type for number array or Float32Array or Int32 Array or Uint32Array or Uint16Array |
int | - |
ISuccinctDocRangeParam | - |
ITimeMetric | - |
LineCap | - |
LineJoin | - |
PaintFirst | - |
RenderComponentType | - |
RichtextObjectJSONType | - |