Interface: IInputWithSlotProps
Defined in: submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/InputWithSlot.tsx:22
Property | Type | Description | Inherited from | Defined in |
affixWrapperStyle? | CSSProperties | The input affix wrapper style | IInputProps .affixWrapperStyle | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:40 |
allowClear? | boolean | Whether the input is clearable Default false | IInputProps .allowClear | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:68 |
autoFocus? | boolean | Whether the input is autoFocus Default false | IInputProps .autoFocus | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:30 |
className? | string | The input class name | IInputProps .className | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:35 |
disabled? | boolean | Whether the input is disabled Default false | IInputProps .disabled | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:74 |
onBlur? | FocusEventHandler <HTMLInputElement > | - | IInputProps .onBlur | node_modules/.pnpm/@types+react@18.3.12/node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts:2411 |
onChange? | (value : string ) => void | Callback when user input | IInputProps .onChange | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:92 |
onClick? | (e : MouseEvent <HTMLInputElement >) => void | Callback when user click | IInputProps .onClick | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:80 |
onFocus? | FocusEventHandler <HTMLInputElement > | - | IInputProps .onFocus | node_modules/.pnpm/@types+react@18.3.12/node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts:2409 |
onKeyDown? | (e : KeyboardEvent <HTMLInputElement >) => void | Callback when user press a key | IInputProps .onKeyDown | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:86 |
placeholder? | string | The input placeholder | IInputProps .placeholder | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:51 |
size? | "middle" | "small" | "large" | The input size Default middle | IInputProps .size | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:62 |
slot | ReactNode | A React node that would be rendered in the slot of the input component. | - | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/InputWithSlot.tsx:26 |
type? | "text" | "password" | The input type Default text | IInputProps .type | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:46 |
value? | string | The input content value | IInputProps .value | submodules/univer/packages/design/src/components/input/Input.tsx:56 |