
@univerjs-pro/engine-pivot v0.5.4

Enumeration: PivotCellStyleTypeEnum

Defined in: types/layout-type.ts:80

Represents the pivot cell style type enum

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescriptionDefined in
BlankValue4the pivot table area cell is blanktypes/layout-type.ts:97
Collapse11the branch node of tree can be collapsetypes/layout-type.ts:125
Expand12the branch node of tree can be expandtypes/layout-type.ts:129
FilterAll1the pivot table page filter selected alltypes/layout-type.ts:85
FilteredSortAsc6the pivot table dimension cell has filter and sort asctypes/layout-type.ts:105
FilteredSortDesc7the pivot table dimension cell has filter and sort desctypes/layout-type.ts:109
FilteredSortNone5the pivot table dimension cell has filter but not sorttypes/layout-type.ts:101
FilterNoneSortAsc9the pivot table dimension cell has no filter and sort asctypes/layout-type.ts:117
FilterNoneSortDesc10the pivot table dimension cell has no filter and sort desctypes/layout-type.ts:121
FilterNoneSortNone8the pivot table dimension cell has no filter and sorttypes/layout-type.ts:113
FilterPartial2the pivot table page filter selected partialtypes/layout-type.ts:89
FilterSingle3the pivot table page filter selected onetypes/layout-type.ts:93
GrandTotal14the grand total cell, the value template should be GrandTotal or 总计types/layout-type.ts:137
MultipleGrandTotal15the grandtotal has more than oen value, the real value should be Total ${value} or 总计 ${value}types/layout-type.ts:142
Subtotal13the subtotal cell, the real value should be ${value} Total or ${value} 汇总types/layout-type.ts:133