Class | Description |
FPermissionSheetsUIMixin | FBase is a base class for all facade classes. It provides a way to extend classes with static and instance methods. The _initialize as a special method that will be called after the constructor. You should never call it directly. |
FSheetHooksUIMixin | FBase is a base class for all facade classes. It provides a way to extend classes with static and instance methods. The _initialize as a special method that will be called after the constructor. You should never call it directly. |
FSheetsUIEventName | - |
FUniverSheetsUIMixin | - |
FWorkbookSheetsUIMixin | - |
FWorksheetSkeletonMixin | Represents a worksheet facade api instance. Which provides a set of methods to interact with the worksheet. |
Interface | Description |
IBeforeClipboardChangeParam | Base interface for all event parameters IEventBase |
IBeforeClipboardPasteParam | Base interface for all event parameters IEventBase |
IBeforeSheetEditEndEventParams | Event interface triggered before cell editing ends IBeforeSheetEditEndEventParams |
IBeforeSheetEditStartEventParams | Event interface triggered before cell editing starts IBeforeSheetEditStartEventParams |
ICellEventParam | Base interface for all event parameters IEventBase |
IFComponentKey | - |
IFPermissionSheetsUIMixin | - |
IFSheetHooksUIMixin | - |
IFSheetsUIEventNameMixin | - |
IFSheetsUIEventParamConfig | - |
IFUniverSheetsUIMixin | - |
IFWorkbookSheetsUIMixin | - |
IFWorksheetSkeletonMixin | - |
ISheetEditChangingEventParams | Event interface triggered while cell content is being changed ISheetEditChangingEventParams |
ISheetEditEndedEventParams | Event interface triggered when cell editing ends ISheetEditEndedEventParams |
ISheetEditStartedEventParams | Event interface triggered when cell editing starts ISheetEditStartedEventParams |
IUIEventBase | Base interface for all event parameters IEventBase |
Type Aliases
Type alias | Description |
IClipboardChangedParam | - |
IClipboardPastedParam | - |
Variable | Description |
CellFEventName | - |
Function | Description |
transformComponentKey | Transform component key |