Interface: IInsertRowCommandParams
Defined in: submodules/univer/packages/sheets/src/commands/commands/insert-row-col.command.ts:48
Property | Type | Description | Defined in |
cellValue? | IObjectMatrixPrimitiveType <ICellData > | - | submodules/univer/packages/sheets/src/commands/commands/insert-row-col.command.ts:62 |
direction | | UP | DOWN | whether it is inserting row after (DOWN) or inserting before (UP) this determines styles of the cells in the inserted rows | submodules/univer/packages/sheets/src/commands/commands/insert-row-col.command.ts:57 |
range | IRange | The range will the row be inserted. | submodules/univer/packages/sheets/src/commands/commands/insert-row-col.command.ts:61 |
subUnitId | string | - | submodules/univer/packages/sheets/src/commands/commands/insert-row-col.command.ts:50 |
unitId | string | - | submodules/univer/packages/sheets/src/commands/commands/insert-row-col.command.ts:49 |