Enumeration | Description |
BuiltInUIPart | - |
ContextMenuGroup | - |
ContextMenuPosition | - |
KeyCode | KeyCode that maps to browser standard keycode. |
MenuItemType | - |
MenuManagerPosition | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
MetaKeys | Define meta key numbers. |
RibbonDataGroup | - |
RibbonFormulasGroup | - |
RibbonInsertGroup | - |
RibbonOthersGroup | - |
RibbonPosition | - |
RibbonStartGroup | - |
RibbonViewGroup | - |
Class | Description |
BrowserClipboardService | This interface provides an interface to access system’s clipboard. |
CanvasFloatDomService | - |
CanvasPopupService | - |
ComponentManager | - |
ContextMenuService | - |
DesktopBeforeCloseService | - |
DesktopConfirmService | - |
DesktopDialogService | - |
DesktopGlobalZoneService | - |
DesktopLayoutService | This service is responsible for storing layout information of the current Univer application instance. |
DesktopLocalFileService | - |
DesktopLocalStorageService | - |
DesktopMessageService | - |
DesktopNotificationService | - |
DesktopSidebarService | - |
DesktopUIController | - |
DesktopZenZoneService | - |
ErrorController | - |
MenuManagerService | - |
PlatformService | A service to provide context info of the host service. |
SharedController | Define shared UI behavior across Univer business. Including undo / redo and clipboard operations. |
ShortcutPanelController | This controller add a side panel to the application to display the shortcuts. |
ShortcutPanelService | - |
UIPartsService | - |
UniverUIPlugin | UI plugin provides basic interaction with users. Including workbench (menus, UI parts, notifications etc.), copy paste, shortcut. |
ZIndexManager | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
Interface | Description |
IBeforeCloseService | - |
ICanvasPopupService | - |
IClipboardInterfaceService | This interface provides an interface to access system’s clipboard. |
IComponentContainerProps | - |
IComponentOptions | - |
IConfirmService | - |
IContextMenuHandler | - |
IContextMenuService | - |
ICustomComponentProps | - |
IDialogService | - |
IFloatDomLayout | Properties of selection data |
IGlobalZoneService | - |
ILayoutService | - |
ILocalFileService | - |
IMenuButtonItem | - |
IMenuManagerService | - |
IMenuSchema | - |
IMenuSelectorItem | - |
IMessageService | - |
INotificationOptions | - |
INotificationService | - |
IOpenFileOptions | - |
IPlatformService | A service to provide context info of the host service. |
IPopup | - |
IReactComponent | - |
IShortcutItem | A shortcut item that could be registered to the IShortcutService. |
IShortcutService | The interface of the shortcut service. |
ISidebarMethodOptions | - |
ISidebarService | - |
IUIController | - |
IUIPartsService | - |
IUniverUIConfig | - |
IValueOption | - |
IVue3Component | - |
IWorkbenchOptions | - |
IZenZoneService | - |