@univerjs/engine-formula v0.5.4
Enumeration | Description |
BooleanValue | - |
compareToken | - |
ErrorType | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FormulaDependencyTreeType | - |
FormulaExecutedStateType | - |
FormulaExecuteStageType | IDLE: Idle phase of the formula engine. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_ARRAY | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_COMPATIBILITY | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_CUBE | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_DATABASE | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_DATE | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_ENGINEERING | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_FINANCIAL | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_INFORMATION | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_LOGICAL | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_LOOKUP | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_MATH | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_STATISTICAL | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_TEXT | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_UNIVER | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FUNCTION_NAMES_WEB | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
FunctionType | Function type, refer to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/excel-functions-by-category-5f91f4e9-7b42-46d2-9bd1-63f26a86c0eb |
matchToken | - |
operatorToken | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
sequenceNodeType | - |
Class | Description |
ActiveDirtyManagerService | Actively mark as dirty, calculate the dirty area based on the command, and plugins can register the ref range they affect into the formula engine. |
ArrayValueObject | - |
AstRootNodeFactory | - |
AstTreeBuilder | - |
AsyncArrayObject | - |
AsyncCustomFunction | - |
AsyncObject | - |
BaseFunction | - |
BaseReferenceObject | - |
BaseValueObject | - |
BooleanValueObject | - |
CalculateController | - |
CalculateFormulaService | - |
CustomFunction | - |
DefinedNamesService | - |
DependencyManagerBaseService | - |
DependencyManagerService | Passively marked as dirty, register the reference and execution actions of the feature plugin. After execution, a dirty area and calculated data will be returned, causing the formula to be marked dirty again, thereby completing the calculation of the entire dependency tree. |
ErrorValueObject | - |
FeatureCalculationManagerService | Passively marked as dirty, register the reference and execution actions of the feature plugin. After execution, a dirty area and calculated data will be returned, causing the formula to be marked dirty again, thereby completing the calculation of the entire dependency tree. |
FormulaCurrentConfigService | - |
FormulaDataModel | - |
FormulaDependencyGenerator | - |
FormulaDependencyTree | A dependency tree, capable of calculating mutual dependencies, is used to determine the order of formula calculations. |
FormulaDependencyTreeVirtual | - |
FormulaRuntimeService | - |
FunctionNodeFactory | - |
FunctionService | - |
Interpreter | - |
LambdaNodeFactory | - |
LambdaParameterNodeFactory | - |
LambdaValueObjectObject | - |
Lexer | - |
LexerNode | - |
LexerTreeBuilder | - |
NullValueObject | - |
NumberValueObject | - |
OperatorNodeFactory | - |
OtherFormulaManagerService | Passively marked as dirty, register the reference and execution actions of the feature plugin. After execution, a dirty area and calculated data will be returned, causing the formula to be marked dirty again, thereby completing the calculation of the entire dependency tree. |
PrefixNodeFactory | - |
RangeReferenceObject | - |
ReferenceNodeFactory | - |
StringValueObject | - |
SuffixNodeFactory | - |
SuperTableService | - |
UnionNodeFactory | - |
UniverFormulaEnginePlugin | Plug-in base class, all plug-ins must inherit from this base class. Provide basic methods. |
ValueNodeFactory | - |
ValueObjectFactory | - |
Type Aliases
Type alias | Description |
FormulaFunctionResultValueType | - |
FormulaFunctionValueType | - |
FunctionVariantType | - |
IFormulaDependencyTree | - |
IFunctionNames | - |
PrimitiveValueType | - |
Variable | Description |
functionArray | - |
functionCompatibility | - |
functionCube | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
functionDatabase | - |
functionDate | - |
functionEngineering | - |
functionFinancial | - |
functionInformation | - |
functionLogical | - |
functionLookup | - |
functionMath | - |
functionMeta | - |
functionStatistical | - |
functionText | - |
functionUniver | Copyright 2023-present DreamNum Inc. |
functionWeb | - |
RegisterFunctionMutation | - |
RemoveDefinedNameMutation | - |
RemoveFeatureCalculationMutation | - |
RemoveOtherFormulaMutation | - |
RemoveSuperTableMutation | - |
SetArrayFormulaDataMutation | There is no need to process data here, it is used as the main thread to send data to the worker. The main thread has already updated the data in advance, and there is no need to update it again here. |
SetDefinedNameMutation | In the formula engine, the mutation is solely responsible for communication between the worker and the main thread. It requires setting local to true during execution. |
SetFeatureCalculationMutation | In the formula engine, the mutation is solely responsible for communication between the worker and the main thread. It requires setting local to true during execution. |
SetFormulaCalculationNotificationMutation | - |
SetFormulaCalculationResultMutation | - |
SetFormulaCalculationStartMutation | TODO: @DR-Univer Trigger the calculation of the formula and stop the formula |
SetFormulaCalculationStopMutation | - |
There is no need to process data here, it is used as the main thread to send data to the worker. The main thread has already updated the data in advance, and there is no need to update it again here. | |
SetOtherFormulaMutation | In the formula engine, the mutation is solely responsible for communication between the worker and the main thread. It requires setting local to true during execution. |
SetSuperTableMutation | In the formula engine, the mutation is solely responsible for communication between the worker and the main thread. It requires setting local to true during execution. |
SetSuperTableOptionMutation | - |